Tuesday, June 2, 2015

EOC Week 9: The Darkside of Market Research

When thinking about the dark side of market research, money is unfortunately the first thing to come to mind. The world we live in today, you see money being thrown around to create deals that’ll benefit the individuals with the most money. Our politics in America are the worst at this. Like the point made in class, why is it if I call and want to talk to anyone running for presidential election, it’s 99% accurate to say it won’t happen. Now if I have $100 million just laying around and decide the candidate would like this money more than me, the candidate becomes all ears and I’ll be the first person they speak with. Now being the kind of person I am, I won’t give them the $100 million without something in return. What can $100 million by from you? This is not only in politics. The sad truth is money bribery is entwined in every business industry alive, from politics to soccer. Here recently FIFA officials have been arrested on charges of money laundering, a scam that has been going on for 24 years which also involves Nike. The world was made to believe the soccer league was legit in every deal made, but the truth is the league has been receiving bribes for quite some time. This kind of manipulation may have been the reason behind the rise in Brazil’s team. I feel once you break a certain money barrier you can manipulate the market to always be in your favor. With this much money it also makes the chances of you getting caught, slim to none. There’s a dark and dirty side to everything in life, you just have to learn as much as you can about it and be cautious.

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