Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week 4: EOC

Using secondary data has its advantages and its disadvantages. When doing marketing research, your best bet would probably be your primary research collected. Secondary data has a few key advantages that make it quiet useful sometimes. There is so much secondary data that it’s really easy to access now and is also a low cost to acquire. Instead of spending your time and money trying to acquire certain data, you may be able to find this data through another company’s previous market research. Secondary data may be used prior to primary data in many cases. This can help clarify the research focus and maybe change the research question. Some disadvantages of secondary data, may include the quality of the research. The research may not be specific to the researcher’s needs. When the data was collected, it may have been collected for different reasons other than the reason’s you need it for and it may have been collected in different ways not according to what you need. You would also have to be careful to check if the information is complete and not outdated. Research done years ago may be irrelevant now due to many changes in the world.

Surveys are the most common method used for gathering information from other individuals. Surveys can be implemented in a few different ways, including telephone, by mail, in person, or even the internet. Surveys are useful in gathering information that wouldn’t normally be available to the public. This is useful for companies to grow, increase sales, better consumer relations, or create better products. The biggest downfall to surveys is how accurate the information gathered will be. Make the surveys simple to ensure a more accurate response.

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