Saturday, November 30, 2013

Final Project - Distribution

The target whole sale providers are the main grocery outlets across the United States. Starting in stores such as Whole Foods, Smith's, and Albertsons, then moving into larger stores from Wal-Mart to Targets. We want to have the United States covered in just a few months before moving internationally and having most the world covered before Delicious Delights yearly mark. “Few companies have the confidence, capital, and capacity to launch new products into full national or international distribution right away.” Marketing An Introduction, Armstrong/Kotler Page 253. Using the power of television, we want to reach the homes of millions with our adds and send everyone in the right direction to purchase our products. Whether that’s over the phone, online, or sending them to the nearest store that sells our product. “With the widespread distribution on cable and satellite television, the top three shopping networks combined now reach 248 million homes worldwide.” Marketing An Introduction, Armstrong/Kotler Page 454.

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